reddoorsound [at]

Painting Nahhamu

Painting Nahhamu

Electroacoustic Music, 2010, Commissioned by IMEB, Bourges, France

Painting Nahhamu is the fourth piece completed as part of the Hasla series, an ongoing investigation of our sense of place through aural experiences and a dreamed-up journey to imaginary cities. Nahhamu is one of the 76 imaginary cities named by Sung-Eun Kim and is believed to have been erected from a single Sequoia shoot.

Commissioned by IMEB, Bourges, France, Painting Nahhamu was composed in 2010 with the support of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin program at Charybde Studio in Bourges, France, the Electroacoustic Studio at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany, and the Métamorphoses d’Orphée studio in Ohain, Belgium.