reddoorsound [at]

This is the point

The Point is This

A dance performance choreographed by Imogene Newland with sound by Suk-Jun Kim. Premiered at sonADA 2015.

THE POINT IS THIS explores the relationship between sound, femininity and the choreographic re-appropriation of domestic objects. Employing four dancers and a series of amplified household items, this new collaborative interdisciplinary work examines how sound creates movement and how movement creates sound. Drawing upon the supposition of femininity and cleanliness as a mutual necessity, this project aims to tear away the layers of performativity inherent both within our interaction with everyday objects and the human relationships around which they are formed. The particular embodied resonance of each object presents issues of control, obsession, routine and expectation to drive forward two extremes of delivery: the pedestrian and the ultra expressive. (Imogene Newland)

The sound for the performance was created live by using Pd and various exciters connected to kitchen utensils and household stuff. Also used were two live coding languages, Tidal and Extempore, through which I called various pre-recorded sample of the dancers’ breaths, vocal sounds (whispers and yelling, etc.), and reciting texts.